As Joe Kelly's JLA ran began in 2002, the team ran into
powerful magic users in separate, seemingly-unrelated incidents. Kyle Rayner
started having nightmares and visions that showed the JLA dying in battle. With
unprecedented planning and foresight, Kelly used his first eight issues to set up
the central storyline of his run, a story called "Obsidian Age" that
took the team through the lowest lows and highest highs they ever faced. At its
darkest point, Superman's skeleton and a mocking note served notice that the
team was dead. The population of Atlantis was enslaved. We see Wally West captive
with his neck broken and legs amputated, and then the whole team dies in
battle. After that happened in the past, a seemingly-undefeatable witch in the
present is about to make the Earth fall into the Sun. It's bad. It's very bad.
This sets up a finale when a staggering number of heroes in
a greatly-expanded roster go on precisely the winning streak that saving the
day requires, everyone playing a key role in a victory that cheats death
several times, gives half a dozen characters arguably their finest moments, and
then finally moves the Earth. There's a pause before the finale where a
ghostly, undead Kyle Rayner tells Nightwing, "You're doing a hell of a job,
by the way." It's impossible to reach that moment unmoved by the sentiment
behind it.
But it began with the preparation earlier in Kelly's run. After
the JLA had tangled with a Central Asian ruler/magician named Rama Khan, the
story begins in earnest when two powerful opponents representing ancient Mexico
and an unspecified Native American culture materialize at Disneyland and use
their combined magic in an attempt to kill the JLA. They nearly succeed when
Batman awakens from a spell that is supposed to keep any human asleep, and Kyle
Rayner arrives in time to blindside the attackers, who escape where Atlantis
used to be. This begins a mystery in which the JLA begins to search for Aquaman
on the spot where Atlantis has, apparently, disappeared into the past. With Batman
and Kyle expressing strong misgivings, they go 3,000 years into the past, and
then things turn sour.
Kelly divides the story into parallel narration of the past,
in even-numbered issues, and present, in odd-numbered issues. While the Big
Seven plus Plastic Man gradually realize they are in over their heads in 1000
BC, a new replacement team led by Nightwing faces existential threats in the
present, eventually realizing that their problems and the disappearance of the
main JLA are related.
The split narration makes it all a mystery for readers to
unravel, too. We know the JLA is missing before we know they are dead, and we know
they are dead before we know why. The invocation of time travel makes it a
little hard to unravel even at the end, but the flow of events goes like this:
In 1000 BC, a malevolent Atlantean sorceress named Gamemnae
unites forces with Rama Khan, the forerunner of the Central Asian mystic whom the
JLA had encountered in the present. Rama Khan in 1000 BC has visions of a
seven-headed destroyer from the future. This is interpreted as being the JLA,
but will eventually prove to be Gamemnae herself. The two of them gather a team
of rather formidable super-beings from around the world and prepare to lure the
JLA into the past and ambush them. Rama Khan and other members of the team do so
believing that the JLA really is evil. Gamemnae, however, does so to facilitate
her conquest of the Earth and manipulates the rest of the "League of
Ancients" into eliminating the JLA for her.
Aquaman and the citizens of modern day Atlantic travel into
the past as a refuge from the "Our Worlds at War" crisis. Arthur the
first to fall, trusting Gamemnae before he is turned into a disembodied water wraith
trapped in a pool. Then she raises the underwater city back to the surface and
leads the ancient Atlanteans in enslaving the modern-day Atlanteans. Two of the
League of Ancients travel to the present to battle the JLA, which succeeds in
luring them back to their time, and into a very well-prepared trap.
In the past, the JLA covertly investigate Atlantis, trying
to avoid walking into a trap. However, when they think they understand the situation,
they do not, and the League of Ancients has mutilated the Flash in a separate
ambush before the other heroes make their appearance. Behind the scenes,
however, the Native American magician Manitou found out that Batman was
unharmed by a weapon that could not harm a just person, a discovery that begins
to win Manitou over to the JLA side. This is too late, however, for the rest of
the team, who go down hard in the face of Gamemnae's perfect battle plan.
Martian Manhunter is lit afire, Plastic Man shredded, and Superman physically beaten
to death. Kyle Rayner is the only one who wins his matchup, using his ring to
save Atlanteans who seem to be his enemy; this is the act of mercy that
definitively brings Manitou to the JLA side, and in a brilliantly ambiguous
moment, Kyle allows Manitou to rip his heart from his chest as part of a
magical spell that's necessary for the league's resurrection.
With the JLA dead, Gamemnae turns against her allies,
absorbing them into her own body with magic, which gives her the sum of all of
their powers, all but that of Manitou, who hides the spirits of the JLA in Kyle's
heart for three thousand years.
In the present, Gamemnae, now hideously monstrous, absorbs
Tempest and Zatanna before the new JLA shows up in force, and she begins to
pick them off, too. President Lex Luthor nukes the battle site, appearing to
kill the heroes even while Gamemnae is unaffected. And after that bleak point,
everything turns around.
Kyle Rayner, who has survived as a combination ghost / power
ring entity for three thousand years, uses his ring power to save the new JLA,
who put Manitou's plan into action. Nightwing declares, "I don't know jack
about magic, but I do know people. If Gamemnae does have a weakness, it's her
strength. It makes her confident, and will blind her." That observation is the pivot in the
confrontation. Nightwing's people skills, his ability to lead the replacement
JLA, ultimately turns the tide against a villain so powerful that she is
basically a god.
The six dead JLAers bond as ghosts on the spirit plane, with
Batman playing the chess master, directing Manitou to animate them as skeletal
forms that are immune to Gamemnae's magic, and as the undead JLA begin to fight
the witch, Kelly unveils some of his best dialogue…
Gamemnae: What good are a handful of shades against the
force of Earth's gods?!?
Batman: You're about to find out.
Firestorm (to Manitou): I didn't think it was possible… but you actually
made Batman scarier.
Attacks by the undead Superman and Wonder Woman manipulate
Gamemnae into using her magic to bring the Leaguers back to life, while Batman whispers,
"The chess match has begun. Force the move."
Meanwhile, the replacement Justice League under Nightwing
try to find a way to beat Gamemnae. Jason Blood sacrifices himself in order to liberate
Zatanna from Gamemnae, the Atom makes himself too small for magic to affect
him, and the demon Etrigan and a Kelly creation named Faith lead a delaying
attack before Firestorm uses his matter-transmuting powers to connect the pool
confining Aquaman with the sea, in effect giving him command over the entire
At this point, with the teams in the past and present both at
impressive levels of power, they win a double battle against the sorceress,
with Manitou's magic, Aquaman's power, and the resurrected JLA beating her into
Kelly uses the extremely traumatic events in the story not
as a gimmick to impress the reader but as a means of bringing out the personalities
of the characters. And so, we're not asked to believe in Wally West's nobility
because he is running fast, nor even because he is risking danger. We feel it
when he's being held by his broken neck, legs amputated, at the mercy of a
merciless enemy, and he tells his comrades, trying to save their lives at the
cost of his, "Run. Please. Just run." J'onn's death transforms
Plastic Man's zaniness into fury, driving him to suffocate Rama Khan and yell, "You
like burning?!? How about the burning inside your lungs as they choke for
air?!? LIKE THAT?!?!" Superman tries to reason with the League of Ancients
even as they try to kill him. Firestorm and Zatanna are frustrated by not
knowing how their powers can be used to beat Gamemnae, then figure it out at
the last minute. We see Kyle Rayner grimly whisper, "Be alive, be
alive" before falling silent when he sees that every one of his teammates
is dead.
And it hurts. It hurts Kyle and it hurts us. Seeing the
likes of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and the Flash die is a shock, one that
might be a cheap stunt if handled differently. Joe Kelly, yes, brings them back
to life, cancelling out those deaths as he certainly had to do, but he uses the
death-and-resurrection to achieve a grand narrative payoff in the rich
characterization it allows.
Kelly gets it. Death in comics isn't a moment for the writer
to step back, quit writing, and hope the penciller can imitate Michelangelo's Pietà. Death isn't a moment at all. It's
a process, an event, a beginning rather than an ending. Kelly wrote a story
around the JLA's death, but it's neither cheap nor lazy. It's a tangled story
that started setting things up twelve issues before their deaths and kept
unspooling the consequences for several issues longer. It's obvious that he
worked not only smarter but also harder than writers usually do, and the result
was what I consider probably the finest Justice League story ever written.
Rikdad's JLA Top 5 Stories (in chronological order)
Steve Englehart – No Man Escapes the Manhunters
Steve Englehart – The Origin of the Justice League Minus One
Grant Morrison – New World Order
Grant Morrison – Rock of Ages
Joe Kelly – Obsidian Age
Rikdad's JLA Top 5 Stories (in chronological order)
Steve Englehart – No Man Escapes the Manhunters
Steve Englehart – The Origin of the Justice League Minus One
Grant Morrison – New World Order
Grant Morrison – Rock of Ages
Joe Kelly – Obsidian Age