We Don't Get It
major fraction of Final Crisis is
devoted to the subplot I'll call the Monitor plot. Based on Marv Wolfman's
characters who are central to Crisis on Infinite Earths, the Monitors are beings who monitor activity in the 52
Earths of the Multiverse. The Monitors go through a great deal of drama on
their own plane, interacting with beings in the Multiverse on a few occasions.
The Monitor plot consists of a few scenes in Final Crisis proper, plus the entire two issues of Superman Beyond. In this third and final installment of my FC review that begins here, I'll focus on the mysterious Monitor plot.
easy enough to understand the Monitor plot on the surface level: Who says and
does what, when. It is much harder to understand what the point of it all is:
Why are these things happening? How does it relate to the Darkseid plot? What rules
are at work? What is Morrison trying to say with this story?
the risk of overgeneralizing, I don't think readers, overall, "got"
the Monitor plot, at least not in detail. I think for some readers, the
portions of the Monitor plot in FC
proper were a path to nowhere: A lot of things happening, some of them apparently
very important, but with no clarity as to what was happening or why, or what it
meant. Reading online reviews, I find some readers regretting FC's complexity and indecipherability.
Some readers seem overall pleased with FC,
but discuss only the Darkseid plot, as though the Monitor plot just didn't
happen. And though many very astute readers pierce the veil of allegory and get
a general read on Morrison's overall intentions, they still seem, as I did,
doubtful about the details, such as who, exactly, does Mandrakk represent? We
had no explanation as to the Whys of this story: Why does this stuff happen?
Even the cause-and-effect relationship between the Darkseid plot and the
Monitor plot seems like a riddle: Did Darkseid's attack somehow prompt
Mandrakk's attack on Superman? Or did Mandrakk's desire to attack somehow use
Darkseid as his pawn? And Morrison once said that when we read Final Crisis we will realize why this is the final crisis: Did
anyone come away with that understanding in concrete terms?
2009 and 2017, I re-read Final Crisis
many times. I enjoyed many portions, particularly, the Big Five superheroes'
victories in the Darkseid plot, and I grasped, in general terms, how the
Monitor plot illustrated Superman's victory on some high cosmic level, but the
pieces didn't fit together very well, and I felt that something remained
unexplained. Then, something clicked. I saw a pattern on one page that seemed
to fit, and when I considered wider portions of the story, those seemed to fit as well. I believe there's a key to Final Crisis' Monitor plot, and once one
sees it, the whole story becomes more explicable: One can see Morrison's
intended message, and the logic of the Monitor plot goes from murky and
arbitrary to exceedingly clear. Ultimately, one can see not only why Mandrakk appears after Darkseid's
defeat, but understand that the choice of page and even the exact panel where
he appears are not arbitrary. I hope that those who read this post will find Final Crisis much clearer than they
found it before, and that they see the final showdown with Mandrakk to be a
remarkable climax in its own right, one of the most thrilling victories of
Superman and his allies.
Just The Facts
is a surface level to the Monitor plot, in which the Monitors are powerful
beings in the DC Multiverse. As the surface level is fairly clear and the basis
of the deeper level, I'll begin by laying out its facts.
the distant past, a group of Monitors, initially one and then more, began to
oversee the Multiverse. Long ago, the best of them, Dax Novu, became corrupt
and, as the hideous evil Monitor, Mandrakk, was exiled to a crypt where he must
wait for a Doomsday Clock to reach zero.
surreptitiously evil Monitor named Rox Ogama frames a good, young Monitor named
Nix Uotan for the destruction of his world, Earth-51. Disguising his own guilt,
Ogama pretends to defend Uotan. Uotan, to the chagrin of his lover, Weeja Dell,
is punished by being exiled to the "germ world" of Earth-0. A
Monitrix named Zillo Valla consoles Weeja Dell, offering a brief summary of how
contact with the germ worlds have introduced time and story, beginnings and
endings, amongst the Monitors themselves. Uotan lives as an ordinary young man
on Earth-0, trying to regain his previous status.
Valla summons several of the Multiverse's Supermen to help her and her world
escape the wrath of Mandrakk. After a chase through Multiversal space, leading
to Limbo, the Supermen find an infinite book that contains all stories,
including the history of the Monitors mentioned above. Ultraman, who celebrates
evil, triumphantly announces that the book ends with destruction: Evil wins in
the end. Superman, joins his opposite, Ultraman, in inhabiting a Thought Robot
in the Overvoid. In this form, Superman defeats Mandrakk, who recklessly
destroys Zillo Valla during the battle.
Marvel voyages the Multiverse, eventually joining up with the Question, Renee
Montoya, to form a cavalry of all the Supermen. Rox Ogama transforms into a new
incarnation of Mandrakk and recruits Ultraman, transforming him into a Vampire
up during Darkseid's occupation of Earth, Uotan is transformed into a new kind
of Monitor/hero dubbed the "Judge of All Evil." When Darkseid is
defeated, Mandrakk and Ultraman arrive to confront Superman, having just
dispatched Supergirl, the Radiant, and the Spectre. Superman activates the
Miracle Machine and fixes all the damage done by Darkseid's forces. The
Supermen of the Multiverse arrive along with Hal Jordan's force of Green
Lanterns. Nix Uotan takes over, summoning an army of angels, the animal heroes
led by Captain Carrot, and the Forever People of the Fifth World. With heat
vision, the Supermen lay waste to Mandrakk and Ultraman, with the Green
Lanterns delivering the final blow.
in the Monitor's plane, Nix Uotan is vindicated and acquitted, and he commands
the Monitor to stop interfering with the characters on their worlds. He is
reborn, again, as the young man back on Earth-0.
Index of Prominent
Marvel Universe. Monitor: Weeja Dell. (In Multiversity,
this Earth's number changed to 8, while Earth-6 became Stan Lee's Just Imagine universe.)
Dark Knight Returns Universe. Monitor: Rox Ogama (or Zillo Valla; the syntax is
ambiguous). (Before Multiversity,
Grant Morrison removed the entire Dark Knight world from the Multiverse at
Frank Miller's request.)
Blood League universe of vampire superheroes, based on the Batman-vs-Dracula story,
Batman: Red Rain. Monitor: Zillo
Valla (or Rox Ogama).
According to Countdown, originally
like Earth-0 until Batman killed the Joker; the whole universe was ultimately
destroyed. Remade as a Kamandi / Kirby world. Monitor: Nix Uotan.
unspecified Earth, perhaps pre-Crisis Earth One: Monitor: Dax Novu.
clear that Morrison did not create the Monitors as just another group of DC
characters. As readers noticed, the story hints, and Morrison confirmed, they
represent storytellers; their names, in fact, are all derived from the gods of
writing in different mythologies. To understand the story, then, we have to
understand which real people the Monitors represent, and how their interactions
in the story convey a message.
readers have suggested a very tight interpretation of the Monitors, where each
Monitor stands for one particular writer, and wherein the Monitor plot, then,
tells the story of specific comic book writers. Moreover, some readers have
suggested that Mandrakk stands for Alan Moore, and that Nix Uotan stands for
Grant Morrison himself. Meanwhile, it would be logical to suggest that a few of
the remaining Monitors who represent specific Earths of the Multiverse
represent the writers who created those worlds; e.g., Rox Ogama is Frank
Miller, and Doug Moench would be Zillo Valla, and Weeja Dell is some writer
associated with Marvel Comics. I'll say in the early going that there are
excellent reasons to make those associations. I will offer, however, that it is
difficult to map the entire Monitor plot according to those precise identities.
For one, there are far too few named Monitors with sufficient screen time to
tell a very rich story about writers. And if Morrison wanted to tell a story
about writers, would he really make Doug Moench one of the principal figures
and leave no space for, say, Jerry Siegel, Gardner Fox, Jack Kirby, Stan Lee, Steve
Ditko, Len Wein, Dennis O'Neil, Cary Bates, Elliot Maggin, Marv Wolfman, John
Byrne, and Geoff Johns, to name just a few? I also find it extremely unlikely
that Grant Morrison would assert that Frank Miller is a bad guy who is framing
good writers for crimes they didn't commit. To play it on the safe side, I will
suggest that each Monitor be seen as a school of thought, a movement among
writers, editors, and/or fans, a style of approaching the stories, and in cases
where a movement can be reduced to only one writer, so be it: There are
certainly scenes where we can seem to pin a Monitor's identity down to one
writer, but I will suggest that, even then, the message is intended to be
what is that message? Clearly, there are bad Monitors whom we root against: the
two incarnations of Mandrakk corresponding to Dax Novu and Rox Ogama. There are
good Monitors whom we root for: Nix Uotan and Weeja Dell. Zillo Valla is
perhaps between the two or plays different roles at different times. Reader
analysts and Morrison offer many tidbits about what is good and what is bad
here, but we have to be careful not to overgeneralize and call the bad side all
instances of dark, grim and gritty storytelling. Recall that Final Crisis itself has a lot of dark
stuff in it, ranging from J'onn J'onzz catching a flaming spear through the
chest to supervillains discussing the rape of female superheroes. And no matter
how we interpret what is "bad" storytelling according to this
parable, what bearing does that have on Morrison's promise that this is the
truly final crisis?
is a key that will make the Monitor plot instantly comprehensible, but before
explaining what that is, I will need to include a couple of interludes that
provide necessary background.
Interlude: Alan Moore's
Superman Stories
a short span of time, Alan Moore gave us two of the most highly regarded
Superman stories of all time. "For The Man Who Has Everything," in
1985's Superman Annual #11 and
"Whatever Happened To the Man of Tomorrow?" published in two issues
in 1986 had a tremendous impact on the publication history of Superman. These
stories, like many of Moore's works were good – very good. If you consult
various best-of lists, you'll find both of those high on the list of best
Superman stories ever. Moreover, the unpublished Moore concept Twilight of the Superheroes would have
been another monumental Superman story, and a story, Kingdom Come, arguably inspired by Twilight of the Superheroes, is also on many such best-of lists.
and WHTTMOT have a surprising amount in common, and an obvious precedent that
seems to have gone unmentioned. First, both result in the destruction, or
deconstruction, of Superman, though neither shows his biological death. In
each, Superman is shown alive, but not as Superman, and in both cases, he is an
ordinary man with a wife and children. In the one case, Superman chooses to end
his own superhero career, and in the other, he reveals his fondest wish to be
an alternate reality in which he never began it. They both have further
similarities: They show Superman hurting someone with his heat vision. They
discuss, but do not depict, Superman's death. They both have main action set in
the exact same place, Superman's Fortress of Solitude, as Superman faces off
against enemies he cannot physically beat. WHTTMOT also shows Superman abandon
his oath never to kill; not only does he deliberately kill Mxyzptlk (with the
admittedly excellent excuse of needing to save the world), but he is willing to
kill the Legion of Supervillains, as the mind-reading ability of Saturn Woman
reveals. Moreover, in WHTTMOT, Superman not only decides that he needs to retire;
in the identity of Jordan Elliot, he looks back on his time as Superman, and
denounces the entire idea of his
ever having been Superman: "He was over-rated and too wrapped up in
himself." Fans should take this line like a sock to the jaw; why would a
Superman book portray Superman calling himself over-rated?
a sidebar, and a check regarding Moore's originality, both of them owe a debt
of gratitude to 1980's then-recent Superman
II, which also shows Superman
facing an enemy he cannot physically beat, and also shows a principal showdown in the Fortress of Solitude, and also shows Superman renouncing his
powers so that he can settle down as an ordinary man with Lois Lane. However,
Moore's story reverses the chronology: In Superman
II, Superman realizes that he is needed by his world. In Moore's stories,
Superman decides, consciously or emotionally, that he is not. To a considerable
extent, if you rearranged the order of Superman
II so that he defeated Zod, then gave up his powers to be with Lois Lane,
you'd have an Alan Moore story.
destruction of Superman is not a plot trajectory that Moore happens upon by
happenstance. Notice that FTMWHE also shows us Batman receiving his heart's desire, and Batman also
wishes that he had never been
Batman. And as seen in Watchmen, the
Green Lantern story "Tygers", The
Killing Joke and elsewhere, Moore shows superheroes self-destructing –
morally, tactically, and fatally – because that is the end that Moore desired.
Twilight of the Superheroes
is a story that was proposed by Moore in 1987 but never written. I discuss it
here, but suffice it to say, it also destroys Superman and DC's other
superheroes. Not only does Superman abandon his role as a superhero, to make
himself one of many factions ruling Earth like a superpowered Game of Thrones, but he ultimately
chooses to kill his rivals, in a battle to the death with J'onn J'onzz and then
is himself killed, by Green Lantern Sodam Yat.
was very soon after those monumental Moore-Superman stories that Time Magazine,
in a 1988 cover story, had Superman say that while he's beaten every villain in
his stories, turning fifty years old may be his greatest challenge yet. Note
that it is the in-story Superman who has beaten his villains, and it is the
Superman who exists as a fictional entity in our world who was turning fifty
and facing the challenge of maintaining his legend while also retaining
relevance. The Time article notes that Superman's current challenge was "a
deplorable element that might be called adultification, in which a figure
created for children is subjected to adult concerns." Moore took
adultification to the extreme, in which Superman could no longer be Superman,
morally or otherwise. For Moore, Superman had to forego his principles. For
Moore, Superman had to stop being Superman and die. And in the immediate wake
of Moore's stories, the world saw that Superman might eventually face an
existential challenge. It was on the cover of Time magazine.
there be any doubt, Final Crisis is
in part a response to Moore's Superman stories, and to Moore in general. The
three aforementioned stories are each quoted by Final Crisis, verbally or visually, whether through direct intent
by Morrison or by the freshness of Moore's work in Morrison's memory as he
crafted a response to it. Some of the shout-outs include:
• In
FTMWHE, Mongul says that the Black Mercy gives its victims their "heart's
desire." In FC, Libra uses that same phrase, and Luthor later repeats it
The title of Twilight of the Superheroes
is remixed by Libra on the very same page: He promises "An end to the age
of superheroes. A full-on, no bull&@%& twilight of the gods." And note very carefully: We do not see
Libra's "heart's desire" emerge from a drawing of Libra but from the
image on the screen of a cellphone brand-named DAMRUNG, which is a pun on
"Samsung" but also an abbreviation of the German (via Richard Wagner)
word "Götterdämmerung" which means "Twilight of the Gods."
It is the author of Twilight of the
Superheroes who tells us that the destruction of the superheroes is one's
"heart's desire." Note that this makes two references to Moore's
Superman stories in the same panel.
I will also add that Libra was created by Len Wein, who brought Moore onboard
at DC. And, though I saw several reviewers note the significance of the phrase, "twilight of the god," I haven't seen anyone link it to Moore's title.

In WHTTMOT, Superman witnesses the violent death of one of his friends and is
attacked by deadly force in the Daily Planet newsroom, an attack that leaves
him physically unharmed but standing in the newsroom in his Superman costume
after his Clark Kent clothes have been blasted off of him. This also happens in
Final Crisis #2, and the art is quite
parallel. (In WHTTMOT, Superman's Clark Kent identity is thereby destroyed
forever. In FC, nobody is left conscious to see Clark revealed as Superman.)
In FTMWHE, Jor-El is a broken, bitter old man who is disgraced by his failed
prediction of Krypton's destruction. When Mandrakk confronts Superman, he opens
with the taunt, "Your father failed to save his world."
references to Moore works include Morrison's take on Dr. Manhattan in Superman Beyond, a particular reference
to Swamp Thing, the Superman derivative hero named Supreme, and a possible
reference to The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen that I'll mention later.
the similarities and shout-outs go still deeper yet. And this brings us to one
more interlude that turns into an explanation of exactly how these works are
Interlude 2: Substory S
if you will, the following plot elements occurring within a comic book story.
The events jump around a bit in their relatedness, so it is more of a
sub-sequence of a story than a subplot. I'll call this Substory S.
Brainiac 5 knows that Superman is going to fight a battle for his and the
world's survival.
Brainiac 5 shows Superman a machine that can win the battle for Superman. Brainiac
5 does not give Superman the
machine; he simply has him look at
Superman must face off against a being of pure evil at the command of godlike
A shield is placed around the scene of Superman and his enemy's upcoming
battle. Other superheroes, even very powerful ones including Captain Marvel,
cannot break the shield open.
Other characters present in immediate proximity to this battle include Batman,
Wonder Woman, Luthor, and Supergirl; it is made clear that Supergirl has
recently been vanquished.
We are reminded of Superman's oath not to kill.
Superman and Lois Lane have a conversation immediately before the ultimate
As Superman prepares to use the machine that Brainiac 5 mentioned, the evil
godlike opponent announces that he will destroy Superman.
Superman responds to the threat with "That's right" / "You're
right about that" but it is an ironic response; Superman does not believe
that the villain is right, but that he himself will vanquish the villain
definitively rather than vice versa.
Superman delivers the fatal blow to the villain, and the villain is destroyed.
Even though the godlike evil villain is destroyed, Superman now faces a threat
to his continued existence.
a very specific list of events and
situations. Do you know in which story those events occur? Trick question.
Substory S – every one those details – occurs during the end of Final Crisis and Substory S – every one
those details – also occurs during
the end of Alan Moore's "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?"
This is not a coincidence. At the final showdown, even the page layout matches,
closely. Click to zoom in on how the climactic scenes align.
illustrates how points 8, 9, and 10 line up on a single page, but alignments
between the two stories go back to the first scene of FC #6, when Brainiac 5 shows Superman the Miracle Machine,
mirroring the way in WHTTMOT, Brainiac 5 gave Superman a statuette with the
Phantom Zone projector. The alignment between the two stories is so detailed
that in neither one does Brainiac 5 give Superman the machine, and this is
highlighted with the dialogue in FC
when Brainiac 5 says, "Look at it, Superman! Just look!" In WHTTMOT,
Lois Lane similarly tells Superman, regarding Brainiac 5's gift, "Take
another look at it, Superman! Look at what it's holding!"
stories align in far more ways than could possibly be coincidental, taking us
from Brainiac 5 showing Superman a machine, "Look at it, Superman!", to
a conversation with Lois Lane, Captain Marvel trying to help, Superman's
"That's right," and then the final zap of the colorfully glowing
god-villain. Morrison obviously wrote many details into FC with Moore's story in mind.
end of Final Crisis, with the
Darkseid plot concluding and the Monitor plot coming to a head, is a response
to, sequel to, and a rewrite of Alan Moore's "Whatever Happened to the Man
of Tomorrow?" Morrison's handling of Substory S is key to understanding
his intentions with the Monitor plot. By putting Superman in the same situation
that Alan Moore put Superman in to end him, Grant Morrison shows us how the
story should go – how Superman's story really goes.
Compare and Contrast
the great degree of similarity between Moore's and Morrison's versions of
Substory S, we should pay attention to the differences between them, because
therein is the heart of Morrison's message.
Moore's story, Superman is isolated from his allies by a barrier. In Morrison's
story, Superman bashes his way through the barrier with one punch at the end of
FC #6. In Morrison's story,
therefore, Superman has assistance from his allies, most notably Batman (who,
inside the compound, had already shot Darkseid with Radion), the Flashes,
Wonder Woman and even Luthor and Sivana.
Moore's story, if Superman kills, he must renounce his superpowers and give up
being Superman forever. FC has
Darkseid articulate this, taunting Superman: "Kill me, Superman. Kill the
frail old man [Turpin] upon whose soul Darkseid fed and fattened! How can you
hurt a foe made of people? … Kill him. Kill me and you kill everything!"
This is the predicament. Superman can physically kill Turpin's body, but then
– because this is a remake of Moore's story – Superman would actually
lose. But that's not how it goes, because Batman already fired a gunshot that
specifically doomed Darkseid while leaving Turpin alive. And then the Flashes
show up, bringing Death personified to take Darkseid out of Turpin. In
Morrison's story, Superman is not alone, and the importance of alliance and
loyalty is spelled out in Wally West's dialogue, "Think I'd leave you to
do this on your own? Together,
Barry! We're going in together and we're coming back together!" And so Batman,
the Flashes, and then Wonder Woman all do their parts to reduce Darkseid to
nothing more than a disembodied presence glowing like a neon sign that, as it
happens, looks a bit like glowing Mxyzptlk in WHTTMOT.
Moore's story, once Superman has beaten Mxyzptlk, he faces an even greater
threat: Moore writing Superman into a self-defeating renunciation of himself
and his powers. In Morrison's story, Mandrakk, representing Moore, shows up and
demands that Superman give up and be devoured.
this point, we can explain a few events in FC
that happen so quickly that they seem incongruous with the narration. First, we
see Supergirl slung over Ultraman's shoulder, though we never saw them
fighting. Second, we see the Spectre and the Radiant (who excused themselves to
go handle other business at the end of FC:
Revelations) on the ground. These jarringly abrupt appearances of Supergirl and
the Spectre, both already defeated, translate directly onto the previous use of
those characters by Moore. The almost bizarrely abrupt appearance of the
vanquished Supergirl represents her bleak cameo in WHTTMOT, in which her then-recent
death in Crisis on Infinite Earths
was on Superman's mind when a much younger version of Supergirl visited him
along with the Legion of Super-Heroes. It was to make these stories parallel
that Morrison showed us Supergirl and not, say, Hourman or Alan Scott on
Ultraman's shoulder, and why we didn't see Mandrakk and Ultraman defeat
Supergirl in battle; Mandrakk was showing
Superman his defeated cousin, but he didn't defeat her.

But Final Crisis and the Monitor plot are not simply responses to one
specific story. There are suggestive connections to other Moore stories.
Captain Marvel, J'onn J'onzz, Green Lanterns, and Batman all have key roles in Twilight of the Superheroes. In that
story, Superman thinks he can trust Captain Marvel, but near the end, he finds
out that who he thought was Captain Marvel had actually been J'onn J'onzz the
entire time; Superman and the Martian Manhunter fight until Superman kills the
Martian, then a Green Lantern, Sodam Yat, kills Superman. Finally, it's
revealed that Batman has been a key player in staging all of this bloodshed. In
Final Crisis, Superman tells
Mandrakk, "I counted on Captain Marvel of Earth-5 to come through."
Earlier, Superman delivers the eulogy on Mars, beginning, "J'onn J'onzz
was my friend. Always there, always strong, always reliable… He was someone I
could confide in." Superman holds what seemed to have been Batman's body
in body language recalling the Pietà.
And finally, Green Lanterns are part of the cavalry who finally slay Mandrakk.
Are these points all intended to address, very specifically, the beats in
Moore's unpublished story? Maybe they're intended. On the other hand, if
accidental, they highlight the striking difference between how Morrison writes the
characters and how Moore does. In Morrison's version, the heroes trust one
another, fight for one another, and believe in one another. In Moore's version,
a physical barrier keeps them apart in one case, and their animosities lead
them to a bloody massacre in the other. That sweeping difference is not
the main characters in this final showdown are Superman and Mandrakk. Hearing
Mandrakk's demand that he die, Superman says no. Then, using a power we've
never known him to have before (shining light from his hands), Superman powers
the Miracle Machine and wishes for "the best for everyone."
Superman's allies, the Green Lanterns led by Hal Jordan and the Supermen of the
Multiverse led by Captain Marvel of Earth-5 show up. Then, having heard Superman's
wish, Nix Uotan arrives and – note the narration boxes – becomes the
narrator of the rest of the story. Nix Uotan, the Monitor, represents the
writer of this story, Grant Morrison, and declares, "This is between
Monitors now," meaning that the fight is between Alan Moore and Grant
Morrison. Uotan says, "Mandrakk! At my right hand stands Superman
himself." "Right hand" is a possible pun on "write
hand" and an indication that Superman and the writer stand allied against
the threat.
writer is infinitely powerful, so he summons an unbeatable team of heroes,
including the vengeful angels of God, the Green Lanterns, the Supermen, the Zoo
Crew of Captain Carrot (speaking of lighthearted storytelling), and the Forever
People. Mandrakk recognizes Uotan and says, "My son?" which is a
probable pun on "Morrison" being "Moore's son." Declaring
"There is no limit to what I can do" (because he is, after all, the
writer), Nix Uotan has his unbeatable team burn Ultraman and Mandrakk with heat
vision and the Green Lanterns spike the vampire Mandrakk through the heart.
Uotan tells Mandrakk and the now-skeletal Ultraman that the Multiverse has natural defenses
that he cannot imagine: Superman's and his allies' goodness will not allow Alan
Moore or any other writer to kill them off. End of story.
summary, the climax of FC #6 and #7
shows events that closely parallel Moore's previous stories, particularly
"Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?" Regarded in 1986 as one
of the greatest stories of all time, it did not, as Moore intended of that
story, Watchmen, and Twilight of the Superheroes, spell the
end of inspirational happy-ending superhero stories. The Monitor plot in Final Crisis was written, in large part,
to rebut Moore's message and Moore's intentions, and the close parallels
between Moore's and Morrison's scenes show us a large part of the meaning of Final Crisis in considerable detail, not
as vague and open-ended as readers' analyses in the past saw it. However, the
climax of the Monitor plot is only one part of the whole story, and with that
in hand as a kind of Rosetta Stone, let's look at the whole Monitor plot to decipher
all of Morrison's points.
The Monitor plot, Decoded
As the Alpha Lanterns seal
off "New Earth" (which is Earth-0), looking down on it, the Monitors
are on a still higher plane, looking
down on them. Concerned about the
loss of Earth-51 (off-screen, supposedly in Countdown,
but we don't know what form of disaster Morrison actually had in mind), the
Monitors repair the orrery of worlds (an orrery is, in its main sense, a moving
model of the solar system). The loss of Earth-51 is really Rox Ogama's fault,
but Ogama pretends to speak in Nix Uotan's defense. This scene is, first of
all, a close parallel to Hal Jordan's trial by the Guardians. When Zillo Valla,
via Rox Ogama, says that the Monitors have been contaminated by the life forms
on the germ worlds, it may be that they got the idea of framing an innocent
Monitor from the Alpha Monitors, whom they were just watching, and who were in
the process of framing Jordan. However, Uotan lacks Jordan's grace, and
actually gets punished, exiled to Earth-0.
Given what we learned about
writers above, what does this mean? If we cram that storyline into the existing
framework to fit the facts, we have Rox Ogama (Frank Miller and/or Doug Moench
and others writing stories where our heroes become antiheroes and some heroes
get ruined) bring us to a state where Nix Uotan (DC writers who celebrate the
heroic nature of heroes) have trouble thriving, but Weeja Dell (Marvel writers
like him) support him from afar. Clearly, Morrison chose the worlds of the
Monitors with care, and in an interview, he found those choices "somehow
appropriate." I think something like the above is Morrison's statement,
but we don't get a lot of elaboration. In FC
#2-4 all we see of the Monitor plot is a few panels that show Nix Uotan failing
in his fast food job while he draws comics (Final
Crisis itself; this is, for now, Grant Morrison) seeking a purpose. The
good writer is out in the world, trying to learn from it, but not making clear
We can also interpret Zillo
Valla's comment that "Time has entered [their] timeless world. Beginnings
and endings." Is it plausible that comic book writers once had no time in
their lives, no secrets or lovers? No, I'm sure they had those in the Thirties.
But what didn't have time, beginnings, or endings were the old-time stories. As I have discussed here, DC stories in the early days largely operated on
cyclical time, with nothing much ever changing. It was a gradual process from
about 1959 to 1969 in which the narrative shifted from cyclical to linear,
culminating with marriages (first: Barry Allen), deaths (first: Ferro Lad) and
growing up (first: Dick Grayson leaving for college). The stories suddenly had
beginnings and endings. And with that, the world of DC stories became a place
where heroes could die, introducing mature storytelling, perhaps, but also
creating a place among writers for would-be Mandrakks.
Then, in FC #5, Nix Uotan is thrown in a cell
with a few fellow outcasts, people who aren't susceptible to the Anti-Life
Equation. Somehow, by seeing things differently, by believing in a better world
(inspired by Weeja Dell = Marvel?), Uotan and his fellow outcasts (one of whom
is Metron in disguise) are capable of extraordinary things, like beating the
record at Rubik's Cube, and their imagination seems to have great power. This
begins the Fifth World and makes Nix Uotan a super-capable writer, the Judge of
All Evil, who sees comic book panels all around him in 360° vision. This seems
to show that some writers, Morrison included, just get it in a way that the people caught up in the storytelling of
Moore don't. Comic books aren't about trampled rights, torture, and
degradation. The real world has plenty of that for its outcasts. Comic books
are about the way out for the
dreamers and believers in heroes.
Within the pages of FC, this paves the way for Substory S,
in which Moore's temporary victory over heroism eventually fails. And when it's
over, the leaders of the Monitors who sought to exile Uotan (writers preferring
heroism) now take direction from them and decide to let the heroes be heroes,
without writers trampling them as Moore and Miller both did to Superman, in
order to make their own fame.
Now if this is the story of
writers, it covers an era from Moore's heyday around 1987 to 2008, by which
time Morrison and Johns had brought back Silver Age greatness, with the JLA and
Batman each getting Morrison's treatment, and Green Lantern getting Johns',
with the Barry Allen Flash returning in FC
Back at the beginning, Libra
explained that the superheroes win "because they truly believe their
actions are in accordance with a higher moral order." Moore's and Miller's
brand of storytelling took away the higher moral order, and this not only meant
that the superheroes could lose (literally die, as Moore wished) but the whole
superhero comics industry could lose. The Final Crisis is about the superheroes
facing this threat, from writers
(and editors and fans). But in Final
Crisis itself, we only see a single instance of the threat, with the heroes
prevailing between 1986 to 2008. What about the far future? That was the topic
of Superman Beyond, which in Superman
perception took place during FC, is
actually set logically long past it, in an indefinite future yet to come.
In Brightest Day: Green Lantern(s) in Final Crisis
As I mentioned in my earlier
post, the Darkseid plot implicitly breaks the heroes (superheroes, detectives,
and government agents alike) into different groups, with the Big Five standing
out as the only superheroes to strike effective blows against the big villain(s).
There's an asymmetry, though, in that Green Lantern and his allies ultimately
play no role in Darkseid's defeat, but show up to deliver the final blow to
Mandrakk. This violation of the pattern, I think, reflects the particular
publication history of Hal Jordan.
Hal Jordan, as noted
earlier, has a history of getting into trouble with the Guardians. This cycle
repeated over time and escalated, with Hal being punished at reduced powers on
Earth (in the acclaimed 1970s run of Dennis O'Neil and Neal Adams), sent into
exile in space (in the early 1980s, making him absent from Crisis on Infinite Earths), and later a murderous villain in the
guise of Parallax, ultimately killed off and removed from the DC lineup. Hal
got the full Alan Moore treatment, deconstructed and eliminated.
But it didn't last. Hal
returned to life and the DC lineup a few years before Final Crisis, and in the hands of Geoff Johns, rapidly became a top
seller, with the Green Lantern title and its related events contending, at
least temporarily, with Batman and Superman for the most popular DC character.
And this, I would offer, is why Hal earned a special role in facing off against
Mandrakk. Hal's story, as well as any character's, showed that Alan Moore's
thesis that optimistic superheroes had run their course was wrong. Ultimately,
Hal makes a better hero than he does a villain. And the character who had lost
his solo title a few times and was completely killed off came back to show that
his story as a hero is one that people want to read. When the Green Lanterns
are almost back to Earth, they see Monitor ships representing the higher plane
of writers. Hal tells Guy, "Whatever they are, they're our way in!" Ultimately,
writers put Hal back into the story, and that was his victory.
Another possible tidbit: In Superman Beyond, there is a panel that
summarizes, with one picture, the events of Crisis
on Infinite Earths. The superheroes we see include Superman, Dawnstar, and
Hal Jordan. Hal didn't actually appear in COIE,
a fact made more striking when one considers the huge number of obscure
characters who did appear. The panel in Superman
Beyond may be a glitch; then again, it may be a pointed retcon. We could
take that panel as an indication that the early, 1980s, phase of Hal's fall
from grace didn't happen, and that from here on out, we can consider him to
have taken part in that huge adventure after all.
Story about Story
As an overarching
observation about the style of Final
Crisis, note the rather intense nestedness of the storytelling. Dan Turpin
is telling a story. Libra tells a story. Investigating the Orion crime scene,
we have about a half a dozen characters trying to tell a story. And so on. In
the climax of FC #7, Wonder Woman and
Supergirl tell the story of FC itself
to children waiting to be shrunk and saved. Speaking through the fourth wall,
the incredibly miscellaneous quartet of Cassie Sandsmark, Red Devil, John
Stewart, and a Morrison invention named Iman ("magnet") talk to us about Superman. In a world where
superheroes inspire us, Superman inspires them.
He's the superheroes' superhero.
And Lois Lane tells a story
that appears in narration boxes on twelve different pages of FC #7. After that, Nix Uotan takes over.
And do you know what story first had Lois Lane telling a story? Action Comics #1. That's the beginning.
Nix Uotan, an avatar for Morrison, finished Final
Crisis #7. This is the story of all our stories. And what it said along the
way was that the best heroes come out on top. In fact, we see that Lois Lane's
last story ends up following Batman into the past, so that he can bring the
superhero symbols, his own included, into the future. This is yet another time
loop, and a time loop is a story that has no ending. So the heroes live on
forever and ever, in this case and many, many others. But a sideplot features a
more universal story, one that goes beyond, and focuses on Superman. It's Superman Beyond.
Superman Beyond
As things are going almost
literally to hell on Earth, Superman is called away by Zillo Valla who, if we
interpret correctly, represents "dark" stories that mean well, like Batman: Red Rain, but that turn our
heroes into monsters. See, there's a threat from Mandrakk that might destroy
everything, Lois Lane included. And the threat in the real world is, nobody's
going to like the comic books anymore if you kill all the good heroes, who
brought them to the comic books in the first place.
And Superman Beyond leaves the comic book world of Earth-0. It's about
something else, the higher level where the stories are stories. And there's not
just one Superman; there are the Superman of one comic book company (Fawcett's
Captain Marvel), and the Superman of another (Charlton's Captain Atom, here
looking more like Dr. Manhattan in yet another Alan Moore nod), A Nazi Earth-10
(AKA, Earth X, the Roman numeral for 10) Superman who speaks German, and the
evil anti-Superman Ultraman from Earth-3. These represent many instances of the
Platonic idea of Superman.
The problem is, the echo of
the harm that Alan Moore has done to the comics is threatening them all. This
destroyer, Echo of Midnight, may destroy many pitifully vulnerable worlds like
Earth-13 and Earth-20, later shown in Multiversity.
The Supermen dump Mandrakk's echo on the destroyed Earth-51 and then go off-path
to Limbo.
Limbo, as we can tell by the
cast of characters, is where the characters who aren't being written about
anymore end up. For Superman to end up here suggests that Superman is facing,
eventually, the threat of being killed off by the ruin of heroic superhero
Eventually, Captain Adam
realizes that Limbo not being a place, the rules that would destroy Superman
and Ultraman if they touched don't apply because nothing can happen. Merging
them, we get for the first time the Platonic Superman, an invention of Dax
Novu, and if Novu was the early Alan Moore, then I'm not sure how that fits
into the comic history timeline; Moore's work on Supreme came later. Perhaps
Dax Novu stands for all good, pre-Crisis writers, and then Dax Novu's creation of
the Thought Robot Superman could be anyone's from Jerry Siegel onward.
Though Final Crisis #7 gets the last word, the battle between Superman and
Mandrakk here is the real climax, because it's not Superman surviving one
writer or another, it's the idea of Superman defeating the idea of killing him.
If ever anyone wants to eliminate Superman, they're going to lose, because, as
Zillo Valla (clearly not simply Doug Moench or Frank Miller) tells us,
"the story of a child rocketed to Earth from a doomed planet" is
"a better story, one created to be unstoppable, indestructible!"
Being reminded of this, Mandrakk destroys Zillo Valla. In the real world, this
means that in trying to destroy heroic superheroes, Moore and his ilk would
destroy the darker, horror kind of comics that he likes, to his own chagrin,
yet Superman, a better idea, and his target, will survive! This battle isn't
taking place in 1986, 2008, or even 2017. It's taking place in an indefinite
future. Always, Superman will be threatened by people who don't like the idea
of him. Always, he will prevail and continue to be a story that inspires
people. This is his ultimate, infinite, "beyond" victory, but it was
published before, and sets the stage for, the victory over Moore and WHTTMOT's
Substory S, that is the climax of Final

He ends the story with a
wink, which readers recall from the end of "Whatever Happened to the Man
of Tomorrow?" In fact, the wink is an older Superman story motif, primarily
from animated/live media including the George Reeves TV series, the 1966
Filmation animated series, and originating, apparently, with 1940s Fleischer animation.
The Infinite Book!
In Limbo, the Supermen
encounter an infinite book, one with every story in it. This is a wonderful
cosmic idea, although, alas, one that the theory of computer science shows to
be impossible. This is the subject of one additional likely reference to Alan
Moore. Moore's cosmology of League of
Extraordinary Gentleman is a world in which every story ever told is true.
The connection between these two is suggested most strongly when Mandrakk, near
the end of Superman Beyond #2, says,
in the first panel of his last appearance, "The whole of existence in a
single book." This is a strange point for Mandrakk to emphasize as he
speaks to the camera. Time and time again, when a Morrison story presents a
character uttering a nonsequitur, or an unexpected cameo, this is a clue of
significance that deserves careful attention. In this case, it seems odd that
Mandrakk would find the book to be a powerful weapon, though we may ponder if
it is; I suspect that the significance here is likely yet another
Mandrakk-Moore connection.
At the end of Superman Beyond #1, Ultraman reveals
that the infinite book has an ending, and in the end, evil wins! I have to say,
I found that pretty chilling as a reader. This book seems to carry the weight
of authority, like the book of Destiny in older comics, and if it ends with
evil, wow, our story is headed somewhere bad, isn't it? Ultraman sure thinks
so. Superman says it merely sounds like a challenge to him.
As I finished my first and
second and tenth readings of Superman
Beyond, I never found a resolution to my concern. Obviously, we don't see
evil win, so it seems as though the matter is simply ignored. It isn't. It's
addressed on the last page, impossible to miss, in huge letters. Superman's
answer to Mandrakk, and Grant Morrison's answer on Superman's behalf to Alan
Moore, is "To Be Continued." Superman stories don't end. In Superman's
universe, it is always to be continued, and we never get to the end of the
book. But if we did, sure, evil would win in the end. That's how that book must
end. But Superman's book loops on forever. And this is why, in interviews,
Morrison can say that when you understand Final
Crisis, you'll see why it is the final one. This is about how the heroes
and their end interrelate. And the way they interrelate is that the big
ones, at least Superman if not the entire Big Five, are all "to
be continued."
In fact, the first word we
read from the infinite book is "Previously!" That's not how a story
starts; it's how a story continues. Put that and Superman's epitaph together,
and you get a serial format, beginning each issue with "Previously"
and ending each with "To be continued." Superman's story goes on.
They never end. And, as Morrison defines Mandrakk in an interview:
is actually the ultimate evil where there's no hope. The grave. He's entropy, I
suppose. No matter how hard you try, this entity will consume the universe and
you'll be sucked into the gaping, bulging Black Hole of Mandrakk."
By maintaining hope, by
never entering the grave, by never being consumed, Superman thereby beats
Mandrakk, not just the Alan Moore of 1986 but whatever other Mandrakks arise in
the future. He emerges triumphant from every crisis, and that is the story of
the Final Crisis.
To Be Continued
2009, DC's continuity has been reconfigured twice. Final Crisis is well in the rearview mirror and its yearlong tour as
DC's most talked about event has long since past. It stuck in my mind the whole
time. And it felt like I didn't get it, and I didn't read anything suggesting
that anyone else really got it. I
hope this analysis, years after the fact, revives the story in at least some
readers' minds, and enters the scattered trail of blog posts and sub-reddits to
transform it into a story that people get, and that people enjoy to its
believe that people who have seen the alignment of "Whatever Happened to
the Man of Tomorrow" and Final
Crisis will not be able to think of this story the same way afterwards. I
invite people to read Moore's story again, then read Final Crisis again, and see if it isn't a new experience. I hope
that people who shrugged off Mandrakk's bizarre appearance the first time
around will see it now as an essential part of the story, the main part of the story, and see how
Superman and his allies defeat Mandrakk as a wonderful victory. And if a story
that ended nine years ago can enter readers' minds again, that would really
prove the main thesis of the Monitor plot, that superhero stories don't really
end, and that they are always To Be Continued.
Thanks for this piece. Final Crisis—like nearly all of Morrison's works—is hard to digest for a lot of readers, and, as a result, a lot of readers don't give his work the credit that it's due. I'm glad that you are able to extrapolate just how amazing Final Crisis really is on numerous layers. I've always found it to be a mind-blowing and monumental work of fiction, unparalleled in the superhero comics genre. BUT you do need to do a bit of perceptive work to see the full scope of the picture. I'm glad we have your astute mind to help guide us, Rikdad!
ReplyDeleteFantastic as always. I'm going to take awhile to digest this and maybe come back with more thoughts and questions, but one thing that stuck with me (now while reading your analysis and every time I've read FC before): what do you think the implication is of Weeja Dell not surviving and Nix being the only one left?
ReplyDeleteIf she is the stand in for Marvel, is that a statement that DC Comics (where the story takes place) doesn't need to be influenced by Marvel anymore? That Superman (and by extension DC) can live on in a way Marvel can't? That a comic universe is best served with a single "flavor" of writer running the show rather than having to intermingle grim and gritty w/hopeful comics?
In a less meta sense, when Superman wished for the best for everyone, that (presumably immediately, although Monitor time is hard to parse) left Nix alone (well, he's with Mr Stubbs, which is something of a consolation prize). Should one interpret "best" in this case as Nix being the sole Super Judge is better for him and the multiverse than if there was another Monitor to influence/distract him?
Maybe I'm just a romantic, but I've always been bummed that Nix wakes up alone on the last page of FC (well, the last page Morrison intended).
Collin, thanks. I can hardly say how much FC has improved for me upon multiple readings, but the lingering sense that things remained fuzzy had been with me since 2009; I feel like now at least all the major beats fall into place. I'd be deeply interested to see how it plays for other readers now, and if any big mysteries remain.
ReplyDeleteBob, great comments, and I find myself immediately using Multiversity as a crutch, to discuss Nix Uotan in terms of his appearance in that, as opposed to trying to read everything possible into the last few pages of FC.
ReplyDeleteMultiversity begins with the death of Earth-7 (Marvel Ultimates) and threats to, I think we can say, the entire DC franchise and Marvel alike. That said, I haven't re-read Multiversity in its entirety since this FC breakdown, although I skimmed parts of it, and it is, overall, less optimistic than FC.
I'm not sure how to interpret the romances between FC's Monitors, but I thought an apt parallel would be an interpretation that Mandrakk's (Alan Moore's) allowed the rise of horror/superhero stories like Batman-Dracula, but is apt to destroy it if left unchecked.
I'm not sure how the vanishing of Weeja Dell is supposed to sit, maybe because I'm not sufficiently up on Marvel.
Amazing review!
ReplyDeleteI suggest you to read "Supergods" by Grant Morrison.
I have a question: what about the Fifth World foretold by Morrison, here in FC and in RoBW#6 too?
I did get a chance to read "Supergods" last month, and I may post a write-up on that, too. That book provides a lot more material than I usually discuss in a post, but some commentary on a high level has been on my mind.
DeleteUnknown, Thank you!
ReplyDeleteHuge omission on my part; I haven't read Supergods and really should. Add it to my list!
The Fifth World was alluded to in Morrison's JLA run, for sure, by idea if not the same term. And I think he's really taking an idea that Kirby put forth as well, that Earth is special, and Earth will produce something great. But I don't think Morrison felt like he was in a position to run with the idea: He was nearing the end of his time with DC and in an interview said that the Fifth World is whatever comes next and that it's up to subsequent writers. So we've been in the Fifth World for a while, and it's been in the hands of Scott Snyder and Tom King and Bryan Hitch and all the writers since then. Maybe someone will do something with the name and idea, but it's basically been a reboot of the Fourth World that's not very different from the last version.
Absolutely! You have to read "Supergods"!! Morrison itself present its own poetics. You'll find a lot of similarities with your FC retro review.
DeleteI'm writing from Italy. Once again, congratulations for your amazing blog. Your work inspired me to write some commentaries for italian readers. (http://www.dcleaguers.it/forum/batcaverna/batman-ciclo-di-grant-morrison/)
I look forward for other exciting review. ;)
Supergods is very great and gives an interesting peek into how Morrison thinks.
DeleteAs far as Final Crisis ges he doesn't really say a lot about that book specifically.
He did say a few interesting things though.
Here are a couple of quotes:
"With J.G. Jones and later Doug Mahnke on art, we set about to dramtizing the breakdown of the rational enlightenment story of progress and development as it succumbed to a horror tale of failure, guilt, and submission to blind authority"
"The "final crisis," as I saw it for a paper universe like DC's, would be the terminal war between is and isn't, between the story and the blank page. What would happen if the void of the page took issue with the quality of material imposed upon it and decided to fight back by spontaneously generating a living concept capable of devouring the narrative itself."
"I tried to show the DC universe breaking down into signature gestures, last-gasp strategies that were tried and tested but that would ultimately fail, until finally even the characterizations would fade and the plot become rambling, meaningless, disconnected. Although I lost my nerve a bit I must confess and it never became disconnected enough. This I was trying to say is what happens when you let bad stories eat good ones."
At no point does he talk about how or if it connected to other creators works, but based on what he did say I'd argue that you are most likely onto something as the whole using "signature gestures, last-gasp stategies" etc. idea works a lot better when actually mirroring past stories, stories that try to close or end the book, rather than setting it up for new ideas and the expansion of imagination.
Good work
DeleteThis plus Multiversity plus the recent Wild Hunt one-shot have got me wondering questions like WHO is the Monitor of Earth-33?
ReplyDeleteAquaman was actually the first character to break out of cyclical storytelling, right? He got married to Mera, and had a kid, before other superheroes did any of that stuff. But he's conspicuously missing from Final Crisis.
Also, I believe Sodam Yat was himself likely in Hal Jordan's retinue at the time, since Final Crisis occurs before any of the dramatic "off the table" happenings to Sodam before Blackest Night. So in the end at Midnight facing Mandrakk, Sodam Yat is there, alongside Hal Jordan, one presumes.
Keith – Great question! Aquaman married Mera in Dec 1964. Barry married Iris about two years later, so yes, you're right. That's a significant first, and a great addendum to my knowledge.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, Final Crisis implied that Aquaman was somehow once again alive and Hawkman was dead, but then the comics afterwards immediately reversed that - another glitch between FC and other comics.
Good point about Sodam Yat. We could try to scrutinize the artwork to see if he's in there. It was only a year earlier that Johns asserted that Yat was in modern continuity, so I'm not sure if Morrison had digested that fact when he scripted FC, although there was certainly time to add him to issue #7.
Thanks, Rik. I've gotta re-read this and write notes but won't have time until tomorrow to get real in-depth. I suppose I could also re-read just the Monitor pages of F.C. and see what I think now, post-Multiversity, and even post-Wild Hunt.
DeleteOff the cuff, though, those armies gathered by Nix are certainly representative of Light, Music, other themes that kill vampires, let alone story-vampires.
I wonder if it's even possible, too, to factor in the new revelation of Earth-53. I mean it at least involves Mister Stubbs, who I believe to be the secret Monitor of that Earth, and in particular if Stubbs was the monkey-man in the cage in the Evil Factory with Nix.
Keith, another great point on characterizing the armies that assembled against Mandrakk.
DeleteI missed the news on Earth-53 as I haven't read Wild Hunt yet. The scene in the Evil Factory with Nix was definitely a strange one that I didn't much try to unpack, but thematically it had to do with people who don't "fit in" and I think I deleted a comment to the effect that Nix's earthly life reminded me of Peter Parker.
Nix also certainly becomes a direct representation of those who read this kind of stuff as escapism - and so Mandrakk correlates, if we're talking about cynicism invading your escapism. It's tangentially related to The Gentry as well - though they seem more to represent external despair/depression/anxiety from external Earth-33 pop culture influxes, rather than specifically referencing "cynical storytelling" as a dark Monitor would.
DeleteI'm definitely going to recommend Wild Hunt, even if you're not on the weird Metal roller-coaster.
Thanks Rik. Once again a fascinating and timely read, particularly given last weeks Wild Hunt and the return of Promethea in JLA. So I guess now that I'm wrapping up on my latest re-read of Promethea I'll be turning to that great brick of Absolute FC for its re-re-re-re-re-reading...
ReplyDeletedubtropic, as I noted in my last comment, I haven't read Wild Hunt, and I've got some catching up to do. Doomsday Clock looms a month off, so I'll try to get read up by then. The only titles I've been up on are Superman, Batman, and JL, and Dark Metal had my rapt attention but has started to lose it.
DeleteThis really is a fantastic series of posts - definitive imo. Amazing work!
ReplyDeleteDon't really have anything to add other than a couple of extremely minor nitpicks - I-Man isn't a Morrison original, he's from one of the 'Planet DC' Superman Annuals from 2000. And Hal Jordan didnt appear in COIE because he wasnt Green Lantern at the time, John Stewart was. That story came straight off the back of Hal returning from his exile in space though, so you weren't far wrong! The 'new' version of FC from the Absolute has the character in the COIE flashback coloured as John Stewart, so it looks like it was probably a production error.
Once again, really great stuff here, very glad to have read it :)
DST, thank you. There was more to say, but somewhere around 3 billion words, I cut it to a close.
ReplyDeleteThat's great to know about Imán and Jon Stewart. I'll add that to my list of coloring errors that seemed like plot points. (Eye colors kept changing in Identity Crisis, which I thought was a clue. And the Joker was mysteriously blood-stained at the end of Batman #676.)
Thanks for the updates; I'm a little sad about Hal missing COIE again, but understood. At least Jon Stewart got a lot of short parts in FC.
Very interesting reading of the Monitor plot, and I'll be sure to keep it in mind next time I re-read Final Crisis (and "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow", for that matter), but one thing that struck me about Mandrakk is that Morrison used him as the story's actual main villain during a time when vampires were ubiquitous thanks to Twilight, True Blood, Vampire Diaries and whatnot. Even Marvel tried to cash in on that craze by trying to make Dracula's army the next big thing and having them fight the X-Men (come to think of it, it was pretty much the same thing they did with the Inhumans years later, with just as little success).
ReplyDeleteI got the feeling that Morrison was trying to show people that the super-hero was a much stronger and more life-affirming concept than the vampire, with Superman and Madrakk representing those opposing ideas. However, I think that was just one of the many themes Morrison was weaving together, and to me what Mandrakk ultimately symbolizes is writers who suck the life out of super-hero universes by causing permanent damage to them just to make their stories "matter".
Rik, this is incredible work.
ReplyDeleteIn this reading, COIE and Marvel might represent two incomplete attempts to thwart the Ultimate Deconstruction enabled by narrative linearity. The COIE (or DC Comics) approach, is to hit a cosmic reset button when things get too complicated. Ironically, this approach is usually used an excuse for things to get darker than ever - it's all getting wiped away at the end, anyway. Marvel's "illusion of change" approach (up until very recently) allowed a complicated history to accumulate while keeping the core of flagship heroes the same - Gwen Stacy dies, but Spider-Man eventually returns to wisecracking heroics. The shortcomings to both are readily apparent. A Crisis doesn't actually erase earlier stories from the minds of readers and writers, so the same complications recur, and the reset button has to be hit again, sooner each time. Only so much change can be illusory, and eventually the weight of accumulated history has to destroy or fundamentally change a character.
After Moore/Crises/Marvel, Morrison's Fourth Way is something like a return to cyclical time, but with literal time loops that mean Everything Counts, and exploit the endless possibilities of genre and medium to their full. Hypertime 2.0? I'm sure I'll think of something. Batman and Robin will never die. To Be Continued.
Shagamu, what a great point. I have said that when Morrison does something jarring, seemingly non sequitur, to pay attention, and that is another great example. I remember reading the line "Vampire gods!" in SB #1 and thinking, "Really? Are they?" It doesn't seem to work the vampire angle in the usual ways. We don't see them biting anyone or hiding in coffins (besides Mandrakk's vault), any of the usual razzmatazz, and I think your point helps address that. Reinforcing that, Multiversity's "Gentry" also have obviously vampiric designs, and he was clearly speaking to various mass media stereotypes there. Excellent observation!
ReplyDeleteRikdad -- Thank you for this exhaustive post bringing clarity to the Monitor plot of "Final Crisis." That you spotted these parallels with "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow" is simply remarkable.
ReplyDeleteAs a young adult watching DC "grow up" in the second half of the 1980s, I read much of Alan Moore's work and respected it, but never much liked it. There is no question that in the 1990s, Grant Morrison began putting out there a more affirmative view of superheroes' roles in the DC Universe and in our imaginations. Indeed, I would say his four-part JLA debut in 1996-97 featuring the battle against the Hyperclan was truly a breath of fresh air for comics readers such as myself who were sick and tired of the previous decade's deconstruction of the superhero ideal.
Since, I've come to identify what I call the "Morrison moment," often featured in the last panel of the penultimate chapter of a story, where he or the hero indicate evil is about to go down ("Club of Heroes" story is an example at the end of Batman #668, with Batman's comment in response to The Black Glove's announcement that evil was winning. Batman and Robin #2 last panel of Dick Grayson racing to save Damian Wayne is another. So is "Batman and Robin #15" when Bruce Wayne finally reappears, much to Dr. Hurt's surprise. And, most recently, the last page of "Dark Nights Rising: The Wild Hunt" in which... Well, you haven't read it yet, so I won't spoil it.)
It is in those moments that Morrison indicates he realizes that ultimately the crowd in a theater or the comic book reader with story in hand needs that moment to anticipate and cheer, that deep at heart, most of us want to see good triumph over evil in our fiction and by extension in the real world.
I never knew to think of that green stake going through Mandrakk's heart as a commentary on Moore's dark view of superheroes. Next time I read that moment in "Final Crisis," I might finally relish it.
Thanks for all your hard work and insight, as always.
James, Thanks so much. I have read comparatively little Marvel over the years, but Morrison certainly has(!) and that extends the discussion very nicely. In Multiversity, one of the first things that happens is the destruction of Earth-7, the Ultimate Marvel universe. I like your discussion of different forms of time. It finally jumped out to me that Zillo Valla was talking about circular->linear time in her first words with Weeja Dell.
ReplyDeleteMorrison's original plan for FC was to call it Hypercrisis, which ties in with your mention of Hypertime. Also, Mandrakk's exultant comment, "The whole of existence in a single book!"
MWTE, thank you greatly. The trail of breadcrumbs that led me there was noticing that Lois Lane was talking with Superman before the big finish in both. Then I noticed the page layout similarity, then Captain Marvel in both, but when I saw that Brainiac 5 and a machine that he shows to Superman were in both, I knew there was no chance of a coincidence.
ReplyDeleteI didn't see all this until after I'd already written the first parts of my FC review. And I'm sure I wouldn't have gone so far down the trail in the first place if others hadn't suspected that Mandrakk is Moore.
I like your notion of that Morrison moment. There has also been very similar language from the villain in New World Order, Batman RIP, Superman Beyond, and elsewhere, to rub it in the heroes' face that they are letting down the people who they are trying to save.
Thanks as always!
Just because your last comment mentioned
ReplyDeleteBread Crumbs , I have been wondering for awhile (but didn't want to bring it up here) Do you know what Q Anon is ?
There are SO MANY parallels on many levels
"Detective FUTURE PROVES PAST ..."
I have to imagine it would at least intrigue your obviously Incredible Mind
Rikdad (beyond politics and such )
Keith, I have now read Wild Hunt. It was definitely a good issue, as much of Metal has been. A thorough re-read might make Metal pay off more than it has so far for me, but I'm giving those extra minutes to Watchmen and Doomsday Clock for now. Maybe another read through Metal will happen soon, though.
ReplyDeleteBones Justice,
ReplyDeleteThat's a mystery I hadn't heard of. I definitely love a mystery, and there are plenty of them outside of comics, but that one I didn't know. At a glance, I didn't see anything super unusual to it, so I'll stick with the mysteries I've been pondering. :)
Rikdad, will you be going further into the part of the Monitor subplot that deal with the whole meta-part of the blank page vs. the creations put upon it (not as a reflection of certain creators but as a point of its own) as well as going into more depth in regards to the Monitors' origin?
ReplyDeleteAlso, in my many re-readings of Superman Beyond and Multiversity: Guidebook I've yet to fully figure out if Dax Novu is supposed to be the original Monitor/Monitor-Probe (the one from Crisis).
The way it reads to me in Superman Beyond the Monitor-Mind or Overvoid (in SB only referred to as Monitor in the time when there was Monitor only) creates a probe which is sends into the Universe. Based on the image we see of the Monitor during Crisis on Infinite Earths it would go to suggest that the Monitor-probe is the original Monitor from Crisis. However, one the very next page we learn that "blinded, split in two, the probe withdraws" which would suggest the division into Monitor and Anti-Monitor, meaning the Monitor-probe is more likely the "father" of Monitor and Anti-Monitor.
The Multiversity Guidebook doesn't really clear things up. In fact it confuses things a bit more. Here it is stated that:
"Of OVER-VOID is MONITOR born and ANTI-MONITOR which is the opposite, the Conflict generator, the Story Machine." and then "For study, Monitor-Mind brings forth Science Monitor Dax Novu. Who selflessly enters the flaw and is contaminated and split in two"
Now, is this the same thing being told in two panels just after one another or was the Monitor and Anti-Monitor born before the probe was sent in (which seems to make little sense) and if they were then why does Novu split into two if we already have both Monitor and Anti-Monitor.
This might not be something you're interested in trying to figure out, but just wanted to see if you had some thoughts on the matter.
Looks like I lost a long reply somewhere in web limbo!
DeleteNo, I don't see a longer tale to tell in the Overvoid / Blank Page portion of the allegory. Clearly, blank pages don't create sentient consciousness and the comic book writers didn't grow out of that. I think that's just backstory to make the Monitors function as characters in the DCU and, just like their salmon-colored skin and funky haircuts, doesn't map onto anything else. I may be missing something, though.
Hi, Rikdad.In your thoughts regarding Monitors representing writers, Zillo Valla seemed to have that odd Kryptonian-like headdress. I remember several people bringing it up when FC was being published.
ReplyDeleteCould Zillo represent John Byrne, who changed the wardrobe and landscape of Krypton? (Correct me if I'm wrong on that.) That would eliminate Frank Miller from those writers. Zillo sucking Overman's blood would be Byrne's reconstruction of Superman in MAN OF STEEL. Hate to put it like this, but pumping new blood into the post-COIE Superman, since the blood of Overman was used as fuel for the Ultima Thule?
In the Multiversity Guidebook, Earth-38 was Byrne's GENERATIONS, but I've also heard that the number refers to 1938, the first appearance of Superman. Huh. That makes the first hard reboot of Superman written by Byrne, so...stop me. I'm in a cyclical loop.
Someone brought up who the Monitor of Earth-33 is and since Multiversity I've been saying that it could only be Bob Haney.
ReplyDeleteGood point – the similarity is obvious once it's pointed out, but I hadn't thought of it anytime recently (maybe in 2008?).
However, the final pages of FC #7 give the Earths of Zillo Valla and Rox Ogama as 43 and 31 (respectively, one imagines, although that's not clearly stated). Those corresponded to Red Rain and Millerverse, and when an interviewer asked Morrison why, he said that they seemed "somehow appropriate." Before Multiversity, the Millerverse was pulled out of the 52 at Miller's request.
I'm sure that's right about Earth-38.
Earth-33 is the old Earth Prime that Ultraa was from, and it was created originally by Cary Bates in Flash #179. He was later the villain of his own story in a JLA arc. Then we had Ultraa, Superboy Prime, and in the post-IC era, "Ultra Comics."
Bob Haney deserves an Earth – I sure enjoyed his World's Finest – but I'm not sure if it's in the Guidebook anywhere.
Rikdad--I was thinking more that Morrison switched out Miller for Byrne (and, again, it wasn't even until I read your post here) because Ogama became the new Mandrakk. And since the Kryptonian outfit seemed to be a big deal back then, I thought that *might* have been what Morrison was going for, but the Multiversity map changed over time. As with Weeja Dell's Earth changing.
ReplyDeleteFlash fact! Supergirl on the CW is from Earth-38, too.
Also, I was sort of kidding about Haney, because he just wrote what he wanted, putting Wildcat on Earth-1, creating the Super Sons, having a hooded assassin force Jim Aparo to sketch Sgt. Rock killing Batman on the cover of a Brave & Bold. So why not still be writing beyond the grave, making all sorts of crazy stories?
And think of the similarities of the letters in certain Monitor names. Rox Ogama. Nix Uotan. Bob Haney. Maybe he is Monitor over one of the seven unknown Earths. He does deserve one.
PS It will take me awhile, since I only discovered your blog with FC, but I have it bookmarked and I'll try and catch up soon.
It occurs to me to post presently (bigger thoughts are still long-gestating) that I never realized that Ogama "becomes" a second Mandrakk.
ReplyDeleteI recall him clutching the orrery all vampiric-like but I just thought he had been "turned" by Mandrakk or something similar to Ultraman, not that he was the Mandrakk at the end of all things.
Was there a line of dialogue I missed that made this explicit? Was it something that came in the additional pages in the revised edition, or was it there from the beginning?
It's a bit of a baffle to my overall historic interpretations of F.C. because I was always operating under the assumption that Nix Uotan was the son of Dax Novu, the original COIE Monitor. After all, what symbolism is there in Nix, Monitor of failed-Earth/Kirby-Earth in being the scion of the Monitor of Miller-Earth?
And another thing just to add, is the insertion of "Vampire Ultraman" into the Red Rain Earth narrative.
Morrison's Ultraman is certainly the Anti-Matter Ultraman of JLA: Earth 2, and not quite the same as the Ultraman of Earth-3, the Evil Universe. But the total blur and confusion between the Anti-Matter Universe and that of Earth-3 has always been ... well, more confusing than where various Bizarros hail from. Especially when you bring Sinestro and the Anti-Monitor into the mix.
Keith, great questions/points:
DeletePerhaps the art is ambiguous (particularly when weird sci-fi things are taking place), but at the end of SB #2, when Mandrakk is gone, we see Ogama (who identifies himself by name) standing over Ultraman and saying, "Drink deep of the bitter cup of Mandrakk, as I have…") and we see his hands change from normal to long and spiny and mid-speech, he turns into Mandrakk. I don't think there's another likely way to interpret the art (e.g., does Ogama suddenly leave and Mandrakk arrive from somewhere else and finish his speech?).
But, though we and Superman see SB-Mandrakk first, and SB-Mandrakk-Ogama refer to the next fight with Superman (FC7) coming second, I think the logical order in terms of comic book allegory is for the FB7 confrontation between Superman and Mandrakk to happen first (in 1986 or 2009) and the SB2 confrontation between Superman and Mandrakk to happen in an indefinite future or platonic "time". The FC7 fight is saying, "Superman beat Mandrakk this time" and the SB fight is saying "Superman will always beat Mandrakk."
So, I think there's a suggestion that good new writers (Nix Uotan) followed old good writers (Alan Moore) as did problematic new writers (Frank Miller).
This is difficult to say, since you did such an incredible, thorough, authoritative job making your essay, and its arguments.
ReplyDeleteBut to my mind, WHTTMOT was not a deconstruction, but rather a love letter. It was Moore's job to send off the Silver Age/Earth 1 version of Superman, and he did that. Whatever his overall views of superheroes and their fates (and he is becoming a hopeless curmudgeon faster than a speeding bullet) this story was one of an ultimate struggle with horrendous casualties. Even having the brutal moments it had, it was not out of step with some past imaginary stories, one of which had a Kal-El raised on Krypton still lose his parents and a nearly AU-unique baby brother to a random accident.
I don't mind taking Miller to task; his works were in essence taken down by his later stuff. But in Moore's case, I'd say it was much more like other writers taking their cue from his cynicism without also using his evident wonder at these characters.
Make no mistake, I miss SA/BA/E1 Superman; we've seen almost every version of Supes' return at some point, but he only made that cameo in Batman/Superman, and there he was specifically the Whatever Happened version. I'm also no fan of grimdark, like the contemporaneous final issue of DC Comics Presents, # 97, which made 'Whatever' seem like a life-festival. It still burns me that Kal-L (E2/GA) had his final appearance to date be as a Black Lantern, Deadite-taunting Martha Kent.
I dunno. I know Moore basically is Mister Deconstructionist, but I just never felt and still don't feel that WHTMOT was part of that.
DeleteThanks for all the comments; I agree with most!
For my purposes here, it doesn't matter if you or I believe that WHTTMOT is anti-Superman or not; it only matters that Morrison does. However, while I agree that many pages play like a love letter, a few moments stand out. Foremost among these is Jordan Elliot saying that Superman was "overrated." I can't think of a way to spin that as anything but a profound criticism. I would quite agree that his adjacent comment that the Bronze Age Superman was too wrapped up in himself, and I think Byrne did a lot that was quite good to address that. And that Earth 1 Superman did return, surprisingly briefly, in Convergence.
I agree that I did not like Johns' send-off to Kal-L. I never really liked much of how Kal-L was characterized in any case. He and Jay Garrick are often characterized as simply speaking in a corn-pone old-fashioned, conscious-of-changing-times way which is the most superficial treatment: The actual 1938 Superman was a brash, in your face ruffian, and I'd prefer to see any rendition of him (as distinct from later Superman versions) emphasizing that.
My favorite handling of him was in Joe Kelly's IC crossover "Superman, This Is Your Life." The seriousness with which he addressed topics as grim as the Holocaust and Doomsday range true with me.
I would also like to add that the infinite book with every story ever told might also be a reference to "The Book of Sand" by Jorge Luis Borges. Borges is very popular among the comic book writers of the British Invasion. Moore quotes him in "Watchmen", and Gaiman and Morrison include little homages to him in "Sandman" and "Batman".
ReplyDeleteUnknown, that's a nice catch: I'll have to look more into it. I wrote quite a detailed post about Morrison's use of Borges. http://rikdad.blogspot.com/2013/08/ouroboros.html
ReplyDeleteI think, maybe ironically thanks to Metal, I have the Monitor origin story figured out now, without any issues.
ReplyDeleteMetal makes the choice to call the original Crisis Monitor "Over-Monitor". If the dialogue in TMG reads; "Of OVER-VOID is MONITOR born and ANTI-MONITOR which is the opposite, the Conflict generator, the Story Machine." and then "For study, Monitor-Mind brings forth Science Monitor Dax Novu. Who selflessly enters the flaw and is contaminated and split in two" then the second mention of splitting in two - the mention referencing Novu, simply probably refers to the cellular division or asexual reproduction or whatever fission occurred that generated the 52 Monitors. "Infected by story" is probably the same inciting incident that was Mister Mind's cosmos-bending during Fifty-Two, and Dax Novu's "incursion" into the universes probably took place in/around/result of that Crisis (Infinite).
So the O.G. Monitor, and the Anti-Monitor ... are progenitors or predecessors to Dax and all the Monitor-Kind. I don't know if that makes them Monitor-Gods, or more like Monitor ... Management. Or Prototypical Monitors. Not that it matters much, since Nix Uotan is the last of Monitor-Kind anyway. But I am keen on seeing the Superjudge interact with the original Monitor if possible, especially since it's all back in the mix - the House of Heroes, Harbinger, Anti-Monitor has been running around and we've learned he has a story himself. Actually it even clarifies for me differences between the Anti-Matter Universe and Earth-3.
Keith, thanks for this look at the previous and current uses of the characters and trying to synthesize them. I read your comment when you posted it but needed to think before replying.
DeleteOne link that you didn't mention is that the Superman Beyond synopsis of the Monitor history uses the phrase "divine metals"!
I think it's safe to say that the Monitors have been used both ways – as characters in the DC Multiverse/Hypertime and as stand-ins for the authors of DC stories – in Wolfman's original conception as well as in Morrison's mind.
I would be tempted to posit that Snyder in Metal did not feel beholden to the verse and scripture from FC+SB in articulating Monitor history, although the "divine metals" line is an eye-opener: Perhaps he did try to make his account compatible with Morrison's and other DC history in the small details.
But it certainly gets tangled. I agree that Mr. Mind's rampage had the same effect that the diversification of comics history did, although it came, of course, way after the diversification itself did.
In my reviews of Multiversity, I note a distinction between the different Earths: Some are different creative universes corresponding to a body of work from another publisher (with all of the legal constraints that go with that, and which differ from creative constraints). And then there are the Earths created just to make a certain story interesting and were DC inventions from the start.
Note also, the cellular division and doubling, as opposed to incremental growth, that has happened a few times. We went from one Earth to two when the JSA was brought into Silver Age continuity. The Earth 3 introduction implied a potentially vast number of worlds. COIE made the Antimatter Universe an opposite to ALL the positive-matter Universes. And now Metal has made the Dark Multiverse another radical expansion (doubling and then some) of realities.
Bush Robots ! ( this was bugging me so long and always , so simple to find if I didn't oroboros )
ReplyDeleteA bush robot is a hypothetical machine whose body branches in a fractal way into trillions of nanoscale fingers, to achieve very high dexterity and reconfigurability. The concept was described by Hans Moravec in a final report[1] for NASA in 1999, who projected that development of the necessary technology will take half a century.
Why do DC and Marvel keep parroting eachother ? There are literally CELESTIALS as the Main Event BIG BADS of both, in their Summers EVENTS .
ReplyDeleteHickman Secret Wars (YAY!) & Convergence (BOO) , I'm starting to think it's on purpose and Both are in on the WORK . (Wrestling references but easily applicable ) Are we going to see a Marvel vs DC again Soon ? (2019) I don't like it , but I see it coming . In this day and age of conglomeration ... (Don't quote me on this
The summer movies definitely had some parallel "world-ending device" plots, but neither of them were original in that regard. The first precedent that came to my mind was the 1962 JLA story with Abnegazar, Rath and Ghast (reprised later in a JLA-JSA-LSH mega-team-up). The equivalent Marvel story came later. There may be some much earlier precedent.
DeleteSo I doubt if the movies copied one another, but the comics may have.
In any event, the final moments of Infinity War put the thought in my head of Superman showing up and punching Thanos as happened at the end of Justice League. Alas, no such luck for the MCU. (But look at the difference in box office.)
I just finished reading Final Crisis, so your this series of posts and your blog in general have been of great help piecing it all together. However, now I have a huge void because I'm not sure what to read next. I have most Batman trades so I'm covered on that front, but what about Superman or the Justice League? If I google this very topic I just get results for Batman, but I wanna know how the rest of the characters coped with the aftermath of the event.
ReplyDeleteFinal Crisis doesn't necessarily lead into any specific next events other than what was being published in 2009. This was of course huge for Barry Allen, so Flash Rebirth is one thing to read next. Then things slid into Darkest Night without too much strong tie-in with Final Crisis. I remember a Tim Drake story mentioning how FC affected him, but that may have been a matter of just a few panels at most.
DeleteI'm sorry but this Alan Moore stuff is absolute reaching.
ReplyDelete"Likewise, the super-vampire Mandrakk from Final Crisis is not an avatar of Alan Moore, neither is Vyndyktvx from Action Comics, nor the pervert Santa Claus, (as brilliantly portrayed by comics fan and Spider-Man writer Joe Reitman), in Happy! despite what some outraged readers have insisted!"
From Morrison himself, annotations of Multiversity part one. Those parallels between WHTTMOT and FC are just purely coincidental, they are common tropes in general fiction. I was on board with your analysis until this.
A trope is a general story device. Superman saving the world by using a machine that Brainiac 5 showed to him but didn't give him and someone cluing him in by saying, "Look at it, Superman!" is not a trope. There have been thousands of Superman stories over the years. Find me another one besides these two where that happens.
ReplyDeleteOr, find a comparable number of similarities between, say, the Batman story "Hush" and the Wally West story "Terminal Velocity" as there are between WHTTMOT and FC. If these are just coincidences, that shouldn't be too hard.
I won't try, in comments, to repeat what I've said in the post directly above, but to highlight one point with an excerpt: "Moreover, some readers have suggested that Mandrakk stands for Alan Moore, and that Nix Uotan stands for Grant Morrison himself. [...] There are certainly scenes where we can seem to pin a Monitor's identity down to one writer, but I will suggest that, even then, the message is intended to be broad."
There's a comment in FC about certain kinds of writing and there are individual writers who are specific examples of that, and in this case, Moore is one of those specific examples. Stan Lee isn't. Gardner Fox isn't. Cary Bates isn't. Moore isn't the only one, but he's at the bullseye.
A writer can certainly tell us what they believe they had in mind with a word, a sentence, a scene, or a story. If Morrison wrote, for example, the scene with the Spectre on the ground, "meaningless," without consciously thinking of how Moore made the Spectre meaningless, I will take their word that the coincidence was not conscious, but I will not take their word that the idea came to their mind unrelated to the earlier story. As I said, against excerpting the post, "Are these points all intended to address, very specifically, the beats in Moore's unpublished story? Maybe they're intended. On the other hand, if accidental, they highlight the striking difference between how Morrison writes the characters and how Moore does."
FC most definitely, without question, is a statement critical of some of the directions in writing that Alan Moore – though not only Alan Moore – took. Morrison may say that one, five, or ten of these alignments between WHTTMOT and FC were not consciously put into place, but there's no claim to be made that they aren't there and that it's beyond coincidence.